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Clean water for all!

Junge gießt einem Mädchen ein Glas sauberes Wasser im Garten ein

A water filter that belongs in every household:

Declare battle against the beverage industry and become independent.
Make safe, clean, and delicious drinking water yourself
and choose a solution that fits you now.

Der Wasserfilter VA-Mini steht auf der Kücheninsel vor der Spüle


With its compact design, the VA-Mini water filter makes the desire for clean water come true even in small kitchens and households of up to two people.

About the product

Der verdanium HOME Wasserfilter steht auf der Kücheninsel vor der Spüle

Verdanium HOME

The Verdanium HOME water filter will quickly become the focal point in your family kitchen. It fits easily under any sink and provides sustainable, top-quality drinking water for the whole family. 

About the product

Der verdanium MAX Wasserfilter ist im Apothekerschrank in der Kücheninsel eingebaut

Verdanium MAX

The Verdanium MAX water filter leaves nothing to be desired. It is the integrative solution for your entire kitchen. Standardised, the water filter fits easily into an apothecary kitchen cabinet and even supplies clean water to appliances such as dishwasher, steamer, etc.

About the product

How our customers benefit holistically from VISION AQUA® water filters

Grafische Darstellung der Umkehrosmose

How does the VISION AQUA® reverse osmosis water filter work?

With the help of reverse osmosis, pollutants such as viruses, bacteria, nitrates, drug residues, radioactive substances and hormones are filtered out of your drinking water. Under high pressure, tap water is forced through a fine-pored membrane that allows only water molecules to pass through. All other substances are discharged into the drain as wastewater.

What remains is only safe, clean and delicious drinking water for you.

VISION AQUA® water filters with GreenOsmo® Technology

By using GreenOsmo® Technology you can remove up to 99,9 % of all harmful substances from your water. This means that you can be provided with drinking water in its purest form.

The GreenOsmo® Technology achieves an outstanding energy efficiency of 1.3 watts per litre of ultra-pure water obtained. Thanks to the innovative rinsing technology, we achieve a much longer membrane lifetime and unprecedented ultra-pure water to wastewater ratio of 1:0.8. This means that only 1.8 l of raw water is required for one litre of ultra-pure drinking water.

Pure and safe drinking water immediately available

The Verdanium HOME water filter is the best choice if you are looking for a quick, easy and sustainable way to treat drinking water. Safety and quality are the top priorities for this water filter.

Easy installation

Installing our household water filters is straightforward and usually takes less than 20 minutes. Our detailed  documentation and easy-to-understand  installation video we guide you step-by-step through the installation. No special tools are required for installation. Only a cold water connection and a power supply under the kitchen sink must be available.

Fits into any kitchen

Verdanium HOME water filter is particularly space-saving and smaller than a mineral water box. The compact design allows installation even in a small kitchen.

Beispielinstallation vom Verdanium HOME Wasserfilter unter der Küchenspüle als 3D Rendering

Our reverse osmosis water filters in comparison

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VISION AQUA Umkehrosmoseanlagen und Wasserfilter Versadinformationen und Zahlungsarten