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Mobile Wasserfilter für Wohnmobil, Camping und Boote

Water filter for camping and outdoor use

You have a beautiful, expensive, modern mobile home with a drinking water installation like 40 years ago?
Do you still need to buy bottled drinking water?
We understand your frustration.

Der mobile Wasserfilter VA-Basic wird in den Reisekoffer gepackt


Using the VA-Basic water filter, you always have safe, clean and tasty drinking water available when travelling, in a hotel or vacation home. The water filter fits easily into any luggage.

About the product

3D Rendering vom mobilen Wasserfilter VA-Basic PLUS für den Filterwechsel


The VA-Basic PLUS water filter is ideal for your motorhome, caravan or boat. Connected to the freshwater tank, you can always access safe, clean and delicious drinking water.

About the product

Verdanium GEO Wasserfilter in einem Wohnmobil installiert

Verdanium GEO

The Verdanium GEO water filter is the ideal solution for safe, clean and delicious drinking water when travelling and on vacation. It can be easily installed in your camper and home kitchen.

About the product

How our customers benefit holistically from VISION AQUA water filters

Grafische Darstellung der Umkehrosmose

How does a VISION AQUA reverse osmosis water filter work?

With the help of reverse osmosis, pollutants such as viruses, bacteria, nitrates, drug residues, radioactive substances and hormones are filtered out of your drinking water. Under high pressure, tap water is forced through a fine-pored membrane that allows only water molecules to pass through. All other substances are discharged into the drain as wastewater.

What remains is only safe, clean and delicious drinking water for you.

VISION AQUA® water filter with GreenOsmo Technology

By using GreenOsmo Technology you can remove up to 99.9% of all harmful substances from your water. This means that you can be provided with drinking water in its purest form.

The GreenOsmo Technology achieves an outstanding energy efficiency of 1.3 watts per litre of ultra-pure water obtained. Thanks to the innovative rinsing technology, we achieve a much longer membrane lifetime and unprecedented ultra-pure water to wastewater ratio of 1:0.8. This means that only 1.8 l of raw water is required for one litre of ultra-pure drinking water.

Clean water in your motorhome and boat

Using the VA-Basic PLUS water filter, you always have safe, clean and delicious drinking water with you on vacation! Conveniently installed in the motorhome and your boat, the VA-Basic PLUS water filter produces top-quality drinking water at all times.

Safe drinking water on vacation

The VA-Basic PLUS water filter is the perfect companion for your next vacation. Now you no longer need to worry about the quality of drinking water and can relax and enjoy your holiday. Connected to the freshwater tank in your motorhome or boat, you will always have safe, clean and tasty drinking water.

Space-saving design

The individual components of the VA-Basic PLUS water filter can be installed separately from each other. This gives you flexibility even when space is limited.

Compare our mobile water filters

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VISION AQUA Umkehrosmoseanlagen und Wasserfilter Versadinformationen und Zahlungsarten