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How do I open and close a John Guest push-fit connection?

The John Guest quick couplings and connectors ensure a permanent, secure and tight connection between the tube and the connecting element. Thanks to various conversion options, existing tube systems can be modified or upgraded without any problems.

The John Guest connector consists of the connector body, retaining elements with stainless steel teeth and NBR O-rings to seal. You can both assemble and disassemble the connector without using tools. The connection holds before it seals!

Creating the connection on a John Guest quick connector

Establishing the connection

Make sure that the tube is cut square and free of burrs. The tube must also not have any sharp edges, longitudinal grooves or other damage.
Insert the tube into the retaining element of the John Guest connector as far as it will go. The retaining element fixes the tube inside the connector. The O-ring creates a permanently tight connection.

Check then connection

Check that the tube is securely inserted in the John Guest connector by pulling against it. The tube must be firmly anchored in the retaining element and must not come loose.

Checking the connection by counter-pulling on a John Guest quick connector
Disconnect a John Guest quick connector

Disconnect the connection

If you want to disconnect the John Guest quick couplings and connectors, make sure that your water filter is depressurised.
Press the tube with the retaining element into the connector body, hold the retaining element and pull the tube out of the retaining element.

John Guest accessories

Using the John Guest Tensioning and Release Aid, you apply uniformly high pressure to the retaining element of the John Guest quick couplings and connectors, making them easier to tension and release.

The John Guest tube cutter allows you to cut the tubes of your water filters straight and square without burrs.

Die John Guest Spann- und Lösehilfe für die John Guest Steckverbinder
Clamping and releasing aid - John Guest
Simplifies the tightening and loosening of the John Guest connectors. Suitable for the following connector sizes: 3/16" 1/4" 5/16" (8mm) 3/8" 1/2" 

Hose and pipe cutter Ø 4 - 12 mm
Tube cutter - Ø 4 - 12 mm - John Guest
Properties: suitable for polyethylene (LLDPE) tubes replaceable blade for tube diameters from Ø 4 - 12 mm Tube cutter is supplied without spare blades.


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