Applications beyond drinking water pleasure

Ultra-pure water has many more applications than just being used for drinking. It can be used to cook delicious meals and refine drinks. Pets will not want to drink anything else, flowers and plants bloom in full splendour, and cleaning your household can be done much faster with clean water.
Mit sauberem Wasser gekochtes Essen

Cooking with clean water

Water is undoubtedly an essential ingredient for cooking. Thanks to the VISION AQUA® water filter system, it is no longer necessary to use ordinary tap water, in which a wide variety of substances such as lime, chlorine, etc., are dissolved. It effectively removes all unwanted contents from the water, which can cloud or negatively affect the flavours and taste of ingredients. If you use clean water for cooking, you will quickly notice that the taste of vegetables and other foods is greatly improved. The aromas of the individual ingredients develop much better, and the valuable nutrients of the ingredients are preserved.

Experience complete indulgence

Water quality has a decisive influence on the taste of coffee and tea. It would help if you only made the beverages with clean water from a VISION AQUA® water filter for optimal drinking pleasure. Since the purified water is free of a wide variety of substances, the subtle flavour nuances of the beverages come out perfectly. In addition to the better developing aromas and more intensive taste, your drinks also get a much stronger colour. In addition, no unappetising streaks form on the surfaces, as is the case with regular tap water, and you can save on coffee and tea.

Junge Frau genießt frisch gebrühten Kaffe aus sauberem Wasser
Hund trinkt sauberes Wasser aus einem VISION AQUA Wasserfilter

Clean water for pets

For our pets, we want only the best. Starting with premium food and ending with toys to avoid boredom. Then why not fresh and purified water for drinking? Now you can with a VISION AQUA® water filtration system. Unlike regular tap water, clean water is softer, fresher tasting and odourless. Animals will always choose clean water over regular tap water because they instinctively know which water is good for them.

Clean water for kettles etc.

Limescale in tap water can be extremely harmful to your household appliances. The performance and life expectancy of the devices decrease, and lime deposits provide ideal living conditions for bacteria. To counteract this, you should only run your water-bearing household appliances with clean water from a VISION AQUA® water filter. Limescale deposits will be a thing of the past, the household appliances will work more efficiently and reliably, and you will enjoy them for a long time.

Wasserkocher kocht sauberes Wasser von VISION AQUA
Blumen gießen mit sauberen Wasser von VISION AQUA

Perfect for flowers and plants

Especially for flowers and plants, water quality plays an important role. The purer the water, the better they can thrive. Nature provides an impressive example: Here, plants live best with rainwater mainly free of salts, limescale and other dissolved substances. With purified water from a VISION AQUA® water filter system, you create the ideal conditions for your flowers and plants at home. It is free of substances, making it far easier for your plants to absorb essential soil nutrients and thrive. Everyone will envy the beauty and bloom of your flowers and plants.

The number one cleaning agent

With clean water from a VISION AQUA® water filter, you have an innovative, environmentally friendly and effective household helper at your fingertips. Its strong cleansing power is ideal for cleaning and sanitising work surfaces, floors, windows, and sensitive surfaces. You can reduce the use of chemical cleaning agents. Clean water bonds perfectly with dirt particles and absorbs them more thoroughly than conventional tap water. After cleaning, dirt particles stick to surfaces more difficult, especially when cleaning windows. Just try it out!

Junge Frau wischt den Boden mit sauberem Wasser von VISION AQUA