Purify and detoxify with clean water - ultra-pure water as the engine of your cells

On average, the human body consists of up to 70% water. Because of this, consuming clean water is of enormous importance to ensure one's health. Water stands for general well-being and maximum quality of life. 

However, tap water does not always offer the ideal quality in some instances and may be subject to quality fluctuations. It is not uncommon for quality fluctuations to occur to varying degrees depending on the pipes used, the time of day the water is consumed, or even the region in which you live. Tap water is mainly polluted by nitrate, lime, drug residues and heavy metals. If you now remark that mineral water can be consumed instead to comply with the purity requirement for your human cells, we would like to point out that it is not unusual for mineral water also to be subject to quality fluctuations. Moreover, mineral water is even less scrutinised than tap water. In the following article, you will learn why using the purest water is essential for your cells and how a sustainable detox regimen can keep you healthy in the long run. 

Junge Frau trinkt sauberes Wasser um zu entschlacken und zu entgiften

What are the benefits of using a water filter?

Without consuming consistently clean water, only an impaired metabolic process would be triggered in your body, with reduced vital energy and only limited cell renewal.

Added values of filtered water from a water filter at a glance: 
• Filtered water is free of foreign substances;
• Consumers no longer have to carry heavy crates of water;
• Using water filters results in a substantial contribution to environmental protection since CO2 emissions and plastic waste are reduced 
• Detoxification and purification through filtered water leads to an increase in well-being;
• Costs are reduced, as filtered tap water is cheaper than mineral water;

An overview of drinking water as the most important means of transportation:

• Pure drinking water is necessary for detoxification and purification of the human body;
• Pure drinking water can prevent kidney stones;
• Pure drinking water is the means of transporting all consumed nutrients to the human cells and all waste substances originating from the human cells;
• Pure drinking water keeps human skin silky, healthy, and above all young;
• Pure drinking water can positively influence your body weight;

What detoxification with water does

Water performs vital tasks in the human body. It supplies the cells with nutrients and oxygen and, in parallel, can remove toxins and metabolic residues. The liquid regulates the body temperature and ensures healthy digestion. With targeted body cleansing, you ensure that harmful toxins are removed from your body by consuming water. Through this, the metabolism can be stimulated at a higher frequency, and the metabolic supply can be optimised. Body, mind and soul are brought into harmony and can emerge strengthened from detox and purification regimens. In addition, the immune system is strengthened, healthier and much more efficient.

Clean water to detoxify

To ensure your body's ideal detoxification, mineral water consumption should be deliberately avoided during the purification cure, and filtered tap water should be consumed instead. The tap water filtered through a filter cartridge is then free of microorganisms, particles and other harmful organic substances. There are different ways to filter water. The use of the Verdanium HOME Wasserfilters ensures a sustainable and healthy purification with filtered water. This is achieved through the GreenOsmo® technology and the Di-Flow© standard used. In addition to unwanted particles, other pollutants such as viruses, bacteria, and sediments are removed from the water to ensure a constant basis for your detoxification.

Detox regimens are only successful with purified water for the cells because transport carriers contaminated with pollutants cannot flush and remove the unwanted toxins from your cells. Incidentally, the human body acts like a garbage dump because all unwanted substances are temporarily stored as in a classic garbage dump. Storing occurs first in the fat and connective tissue. This results in fat deposits, cellulite or impure skin. To prevent the development of such deficits in the human body, it makes sense to incorporate filtered, pure water into your daily routine firmly.

A detoxification cure for one week

If you want to do a personal detoxification therapy with filtered water, it is recommended that you consume three to four litres of water a day. It is also recommended to consume about ¾ of the water by 2 pm. Early in the morning, start with a glass of water. Later and in time for breakfast, follow with a cup of tea, for example, herbal tea or green tea. After breakfast, consuming another glass of water every hour is advisable. From 2:00 p.m. until bedtime, further regular water consumption of smaller amounts is suggested to keep the metabolism active but to avoid overexertion. 

Sauberes Wasser von VISION AQUA mit Zitrone und Gurkenscheiben

Healthy drinking ways to detoxify

A detox regimen with filtered water can only be successful if your drinking habits also fit. Water consumption should be integrated into the meal plan before and after a meal. A filtered glass of water will help your organism activate the body's digestive juices. During a meal, however, it is essential to refrain from drinking as much as possible, as this delays digestion. It is not advisable to consume too cold water, as this prevents your body from building up sufficient gastric acid. A water temperature between 20 °C - 22 °C is ideal. 

Popular detox water for body detoxification

If you find the taste of ultra-pure water too dull for long-term use, you can combine the water with other ingredients to spice up the flavour. Herbs, fresh fruits or even vegetables can enhance the flavour. The enriched water full of nutrients can then be consumed as a true detox classic throughout the regimen. One of the most popular filtered water options to date is lemon water, which is particularly good at helping detoxify your liver. However, numerous other flavours exist, such as mint, rosemary and cucumber. You can try different flavours every day during the purification or detox regimen.

Conclusion: Purification with clean water as a health consideration

To optimally flush waste products and toxins from the human body via the bladder, intestines, liver and kidneys, it is advisable to consume filtered water obtained by reverse osmosis. This purifies drinking water from bacteria, pollutants and other particles so you can drink it without hesitation. 

To imagine the purification figuratively in the human body, you should think of garbage collection. Every week, household garbage is collected by the municipal garbage collection service. However, what happens when the garbage truck is full? As a result, the trash would not be picked up. A similar thing happens with pollutants in your human cells. If filtered or pure water is not offered, the body first tries to store the pollutants of the cells in the fat or connective tissue. This causes cellulite, for example. However, if the garbage dump in your body is full, it becomes more unpleasant because the pollutants will then be deposited in the tendons, muscles and joints. The deposit will even occur in your bone marrow if there is a toxic load of radioactive heavy metals. Your body's immune system then has much work to keep the contamination in check for you. In such cases, health impairments and subsequent symptoms are only a question of time. 

A purification regimen with filtered ultra-pure water is the solution to rid oneself of the harmful components in the body as self-protection and flush them out of the cells as part of the natural elimination process. 

Important notice!

The information above does not in any way replace professional advice or treatment by trained and accredited medical doctors. 
The VISION AQUA® content shown here cannot and must not be used to make self-reliant diagnoses or start treatments.